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Top 5 Animals with the Longest Lifespan

This list compiles the longest animal lives ever recorded by man. Animals usually live much shorter lives but its also quite possible for them to live longer than displayed here (except for the immortal jellyfish of course). Lifespan as defined here is the longest recorded lifespan except for the immortal jellyfish (again for obvious reasons).

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Here How To Answer Exam Questions When You Have No Idea What The Answer Is

Have you ever stared at a test with no idea how to answer the next question? You are not alone! If you are looking at a question you have never seen before, you are down to two options: give up or be witty. These images will show you how to navigate any test without ever giving up.

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IPL 2018: Heres the list of Top 5 overseas unsold players of mega-auction in Bengaluru

In the past 10 seasons of the widely-acknowledged Indian Premier League (IPL) we have witnessed plenty of drama taking place in the auction room which further saw the emerging players grabbing the attention of the bidders to become overnight millionaires and this time around many exciting players were brought to the table to see witness the franchises right into the bidding war as plenty of overseas unsold players rose the eyebrows.


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Pharaohs murder riddle solved after 3,000 years

An assassin slit the throat of Egypt s last great pharaoh at the climax of a bitter succession battle, scientists have discovered while investigating the 3,000-year-old royal murder.

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Top 5 medical use of marijuana and what recreational use of marijuana can do!!

Recently, CNNs chief medical correspondent Sanjay Gupta reversed his opinion on medical marijuana . While recreational marijuana is controversial, many people agree with Guptas new stance, and believe that the drug should be legal for medical uses. While the benefits of smoking pot may be overstated by advocates of marijuana legalization, the new legalization will help researchers study the drugs medicinal uses, and better understand how it impacts the body. Currently only 6% of studies on Marijuana analyze its medicinal properties . Keep in mind, though, that there are negative effects of smoking too much pot or using it for non-medicinal purposes. When overused or abused, pot can cause dependency and mess with your memory and emotions.

Reference : Business insider

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Photos that will make you think twice about Environment

Humans have been damaging the environment and the flora and fauna of this planet at a very rapid rate for the past few centuries. With the advent of industrialization and invention of more and more polluting power sources, the quest of man for a better life is taking a toll on the environment of the planet. Animals, birds, aqua flora and fauna are all affected badly by our actions and events like global warming are threatening the very existence of humans on Earth.

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Top 5 Second World War Weapons That Failed

Unfortunately, war can drive innovation. During World War II, the worlds major powers set their sites on advancing technology, medicine, and communications in order to be efficient and fearsome in battle. Some of the advancements made in WWII were fundamental to modern technology - others, not so much.
Here is a look at some of the most useless, and downright insane weapons developed on both sides during WWII.

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Top 5 Places You Should Visit Before You Die

What better way to make the most of life then travel? The world’s wonders are too vast to see everything in one lifetime, but if you are looking to spice things up and see some of earth’s finest landmarks, you can start by knocking a couple off this list. Spanning the globe from Italy to Oregon, these 5 places will slow your heart-rate, reduce your stress, and most importantly, put a smile on your face. Here are 5 places you must see before you die.

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Top 5 PS4 Games of 2017

Sony PS4 continued to deliver an array of fantastic experiences this year, amassing an extensive lineup of games that covered a wide range of genres. The library grew even stronger thanks to top-tier multiplatform games and a wealth of quality exclusives, like Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, Gravity Rush 2, Nioh, and Yakuza 0; timed-exclusives like What Remains of Edith Finch; and console exclusives like Nier: Automata and Pyre. And those are on the top of the best games for the console this year.

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Top 5 Signature Cricket shots

Cricket is a visual sport like every other. The things that make a batsman memorable is the style in which he bats. Thats something every young fan emulates. Sachins stance, Gangulys back lift, Laras footwork there is something unique and eye catching in every batsman who anyone has seen in play. That special way of playing shots has been etched in every fans old or current mind.

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Top 5 Most Viewed YouTube Music videos

YouTube has just revealed its most popular music videos for 2017. The lists are broken down into Top Trending and Top Music, and were compiled based on views, likes, comments, shares, and more, according to YouTube.
The top 5 videos in the trending category were viewed more than 633 million times for over 40 million hours on Google’s video platform. Together they represent a zeitgeist of feel-good escapes that many people found so appealing in 2017. Heres your chance to relive those moment