
Photos that will make you think twice about Environment

Humans have been damaging the environment and the flora and fauna of this planet at a very rapid rate for the past few centuries. With the advent of industrialization and invention of more and more polluting power sources, the quest of man for a better life is taking a toll on the environment of the planet. Animals, birds, aqua flora and fauna are all affected badly by our actions and events like global warming are threatening the very existence of humans on Earth.

1. Artificial Zoo



2. Earth Day



3. Planting Trees



4.Dark Windows



5. No Smoking



6. No Caption Needed



7. Lively Tree to Dead God



To help save the environment, try decreasing energy and water consumption, changing your eating and transportation habits to conserve natural resources, and adapting your home and yard to be more environmentally friendly.


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If were destroying our trees and destroying our environment and hurting animals and hurting one another and all that stuff, theres got to be a very powerful energy to fight that.

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Top 5 Animals with the Longest Lifespan

This list compiles the longest animal lives ever recorded by man. Animals usually live much shorter lives but its also quite possible for them to live longer than displayed here (except for the immortal jellyfish of course). Lifespan as defined here is the longest recorded lifespan except for the immortal jellyfish (again for obvious reasons).

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Here How To Answer Exam Questions When You Have No Idea What The Answer Is

Have you ever stared at a test with no idea how to answer the next question? You are not alone! If you are looking at a question you have never seen before, you are down to two options: give up or be witty. These images will show you how to navigate any test without ever giving up.




Sad environment for better future