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This article will help players beat Chapter 6, titled Uncharted 4: Once a Thief, including picking the waiters pocket and solving the cask puzzle.
Begin the next chapter of Uncharted 4 by following Sam. When he stops at a cliff, snag a piece of Treasure for your collection by searching to the left.
Head for the bridge to Sams right, using your grappling hook to rope the beam. Swing out, and then swing to your left, jumping to the nearby rock face below the bridge itself. Climb down a little and shimmy left. Sam should use the grappling hook to snag the next beam automatically, but youll have to climb further down and to the left to retrieve the rope. Use it to wall run left and grab another ledge. Finally, make your way out onto a tree protruding from the cliff. This sequence was the most problematic parkour section of Once a Thief.
Use your grappling hook to reach the left side of the bridge, then climb up and out.
Swing from the tree and join Sam, hanging from the ledge below two guards. When its clear, follow Sam for a minute, having an optional conversation when it pops up. Make your way to a shed and go downstairs to use your grappling hook on the beam hanging from the ceiling. Hang out of the window and rappel down, and then wall run left and leap to stone archway nearby. The second optional conversation of Once a Thief will be during this section.
Youll find a stone archway that you can climb on top of if you look on its left side. Jump to a pipe sticking out of the rock, and then over to a ledge. Shimmy along that ledge to the left, then climb up and use more pipes as you might a set of monkey bars. Swing to another ledge and youll be nearly home free. Sam will take care of the next bit of grappling hook work, and then a cut scene will break up the action.
Following the cinematic, continue with Once a Thief by tailing Sullivan through the mansion. Your path will be blocked, and to proceed youll have to pick the pocket of a waiter for his keycard. Walk behind the waiter and press L2 to focus on his back left pocket, starting a bar that fills up as you perform the lift. As the bar fills, focus the light on the waiters back left pocket using your Right Stick. Sam will come out and run interference if you have too much trouble.
Sam will lead you through the mansions basement until you find a locked gate. Head right and push a large cask forward. After you pass through another door youll be faced with the cask puzzle.
Once you move the second cask you'll be able to climb through this little hole in the wall.
Enter the room and run forward, turning right when you must, and again when you can. Youll see a cask in front of you that can be pushed or pulled. Pull the cask as far back as possible, and then move left and walk around it on the other side. Progress forward and pull the next cask back as well. Circle back and you can climb through the stone half wall that the second cask was blocking.
A few rooms ahead, pull the cask backward so you can use it to climb into the vent. Make your way through with Sam. When you exit you can boost him up to a hanging ladder, and then hell do the same for you. Its about now that youll split up, with Nate completing Once a Thief solo.
There wont be any opposition the rest of the way. Players only need to climb to the top of the tower where the power can be shut off. Once inside, move around the top area until you can drop down, and then approach the circuit breakers to kick off a cinematic. When it ends, start searching for something to smash the lock with. We found a crowbar sitting in a green milk crate at the opposite end of the room from the gate. Use it to open the gate, and then enjoy the last cinematic of the chapter.
You can visit our Uncharted 4 Walkthrough to see a complete list of chapters in the game. You can also move directly from Once a Thief to Uncharted 4: Chapter 7 - Lights Out.
on 2021-02-05
on 2020-05-02
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on 2019-07-16
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