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This article will show players how to beat Chapter 5, titled Uncharted 4: Hector Alcazar, including how to use the cover and combat systems in the game.
Continue with Uncharted 4 by following Hector Alcazar as he leads you through the prison. After he executes one of the guards, take the gun from him and prepare for your first real combat of the game. Also take note of the controls, using L2 to aim and R2 to shoot. If you have automatic target acquisition on you might find the combat fairly easy. We used manual aim so that we didnt cut any corners in our walkthrough. Youre welcome.
Players can use L2 to aim their weapon and R2 to fire it. Youll be doing a lot of that.
Most of Hector Alcazar is going to be a lot like this, so if you struggle with landing headshots, you might want to just focus on body shots and pump four quick bullets into each target. The idea is to spend less time popping out of cover and needlessly exposing yourself to incoming fire.
As you continue to follow Hector Alcazar out of the prison, youll eventually find new weapons that you can pick up and equip. Usually youll find yourself with one long gun and one sidearm, and players can switch between the two by using the Right D-Pad and Left D-Pad on the PS4 Dual Shock controller.
When your guide begins to run, follow along. You can often ignore incoming fire and just focus on keeping up with Hector Alcazar. There are exceptions to this, such as when you encounter a machine gun firing down on your position from a tower. In this case, focus on moving from cover to cover as you progress forward. If you stay in one place for too long, your cover will be destroyed, and you wont be far behind.
Soon after this youll exit the prison and trigger a lengthy cinematic that ends the chapter. If you want to see a complete list of chapters in Uncharted 4, view our Uncharted 4 Walkthrough. If youre d
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Uncharted 4: Chapter 22 - A Thief’s End Gameplay
This walkthrough will show players how to complete Chapter 22 in Uncharted 4, titled A Thiefs End. This is the final story chapter of the game, where you can discover what happens to Nate and the crew. Theres no more puzzling at this point, but we will help you through one final conflict as the story concludes.
Uncharted 4: Chapter 21 - Brothers Keeper GamePlay
This walkthrough will show players how to complete Chapter 21 in Uncharted 4, titled Brothers Keeper. This chapter is relatively short, but involves a lot of grappling and climbing. Well help you traverse the caves to reach Averys ship.
Uncharted 4: Chapter 20 - No Escape GamePlay
This walkthrough will show players how to complete Chapter 20 in Uncharted 4, titled No Escape. We will help you defeat several armed enemies and regroup with the others. Be prepared for some intense gunfights, as well as a bit of swimming.