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This article will help players beat Chapter 4, titled Uncharted 4: A Normal Life, including showing gamers how they can play Crash Bandicoot.
The chapter of Uncharted 4 begins with Nathan Drake rummaging through the papers for the Malaysia Job in an attic. When you can finally move around, feel free to interact with some of the goodies that our protagonist has collected over the years. Once youve satisfied your curiosity, move to the opposite end of the attic and pick up the Toy Gun, as well as any ammunition that you see sitting around.
It would seem that Nathan Drake has grown somewhat bored with his Normal Life. Not for long.
Move around the attic and shoot at the round targets hanging from the ceiling. You can scoot from cover to cover, using this fun little game to get the hang of how the combat works with the cover system. There is really no way to fail this that we could find, and soon enough Elena will call you downstairs. You can keep playing around, or you can approach the attic door on the floor and head down.
Once youre downstairs and on the second level of your home, feel free to snoop about, although it isnt really snooping if its your stuff. We wont spoil it for you. Just go room to room and enjoy the backstory of A Normal Life. Playing Crash Bandicoot is mandatory, so you wont miss anything if you decide to immediately go see Elena.
Grab the food off of the counter and join Elena on the sofa. Youll be sitting through a bit of a cut scene, but soon after youll get a crack at playing Crash Bandicoot. Youll get three lives to see how far you can make it, and hopefully you perform much better than we did. In fact, our performance was so poor that Elena verbally trashed our skills, which was a fair assessment.
The remaining portion of A Normal Life is basically just a cut scene, although players will get to choose how to respond during the final conversation. There is no right or wrong answer here, so we wont spoil things for you by telling you what the options are. If youre a veteran of Uncharted 1, Uncharted 2 or Uncharted 3, youll be able to easily decide for yourself.
This final cinematic will wrap the chapter up. If youre all done playing Crash Bandicoot in A Normal Life, feel free to jump into Uncharted 4: Chapter 5 - Hector Alcazar, or return to our Uncharted 4
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Uncharted 4: Chapter 22 - A Thief’s End Gameplay
This walkthrough will show players how to complete Chapter 22 in Uncharted 4, titled A Thiefs End. This is the final story chapter of the game, where you can discover what happens to Nate and the crew. Theres no more puzzling at this point, but we will help you through one final conflict as the story concludes.
Uncharted 4: Chapter 21 - Brothers Keeper GamePlay
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Uncharted 4: Chapter 20 - No Escape GamePlay
This walkthrough will show players how to complete Chapter 20 in Uncharted 4, titled No Escape. We will help you defeat several armed enemies and regroup with the others. Be prepared for some intense gunfights, as well as a bit of swimming.