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This article will help players to beat Chapter 3, titled Uncharted 4: The Malaysia Job. This includes how to find both of the missing crates and return them to the cargo.
Players will begin under water for this part of Uncharted 4, and the game wants you to take note of the mechanics. They work the same as swimming without scuba gear - X will ascend, while O will descend. Use these controls to help Nathan Drake explore the bottom of the ocean in search of a wreck.
Finding your way through The Malaysia Job may seem difficult, but note the high rocks to your left and right. You can’t venture beyond those, so the game will eventually filter you in the direction it wishes for you to travel. We headed straight forward, passing through a small tunnel and finding a piece of Treasure on the other side. Just beyond that we found a piece of red metal, and further along we spotted the wreck we were looking for.
This is the wreck that Drake is looking for, as well as two crates that went missing when it sunk.
Examine the top of the wreck, and then move to the far end and open the doors. Swim inside and approach the cargo to find out that there are two missing crates, both of which you need to find. The first one is found inside the shipping container, just before you reach the door. You cant get to it just yet, but you can snag the second one.
The second crate is found by leaving the shipping container and moving to your right. Its on the ocean floor. Locate and place it with the rest of the cargo inside the wreck. You still cant get the first crate, a necessity if you want to complete The Malaysia Job.
Jameson will lower a sling down to Nate so he can lift the container off of the other crate. Grab the sling and loop it around the axel, and then repeat the process with the second line. Get clear and allow Jameson to lift the container, then grab the remaining crate and place it with the rest of the cargo. When youre done, move to the top of the sling and enjoy the ride back to the surface.
Once youre able to move around on the desk of the ship, feel free to explore, although note that we didnt find anything worth mentioning. When youre ready, talk to Jameson at the opposite end of the vessel from where you surfaced. Players are in for a few minutes of cut scenes, along with some minor interaction to finish this easygoing chapter.
Now that youve completed The Malaysia job, feel free to continue directly to Uncharted 4: Chapter4 - A Normal Life, or visit our Uncharted 4 Walkthrough for a complete list of all the games chapters.
on 2025-02-05
on 2023-01-01
on 2022-12-12
Nice game
on 2022-11-15
on 2022-09-01
on 2022-08-02
on 2022-01-11
on 2021-12-27
on 2021-10-20
on 2021-08-08
on 2021-01-29
on 2019-11-29
Who too play the game
on 2019-10-14
جابر ابو أيوب
on 2019-09-08
on 2019-08-05
Can anyone tell me how to start this game
on 2019-06-21
on 2019-05-29
on 2019-05-29
on 2019-04-26
I am so cool
on 2019-04-26
Nice game
on 2019-03-30
Super excited
on 2019-03-24
Games kasa
on 2019-03-24
Struct videos
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