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This walkthrough will help players complete Chapter 16 in Uncharted 4, titled The Brothers Drake. In this chapter, details are revealed about Nate and Sams past.
Begin this special Uncharted 4 chapter by going up the small sets of stairs and following the path to the left. Climb onto the roof of the shed. Get onto the adjacent garage roof and leap toward the window ledge. Climb to the upper balcony and enter the open window.
The attic is dark, but luckily Sam brought a flashlight. Start searching the attic for items of interest. Examine the Note on the desk to the left, then follow Sam down the hatch. Continue searching the area for the notebooks Sam mentioned. There is another note in the room around the corner to the left. Proceed through the hallway to the right, and help Sam open the door.
Examine the items throughout the room. Pick up the Treasure at the top of the staircase to the right, then head down the other set of stairs on the left. Just ahead of the door, open the box on the floor to discover another notebook. Pass through the pantry on the right and proceed to the kitchen. Search the room for more goodies, and be sure to give the globe a whirl.
After some brief dialogue, continue The Brothers Drake by entering the next room. Pass through the dining hall, examining items along the way. The doors at the top of the white stairs are both are locked. Well help you find a way in soon. There are several notes and other interesting items throughout the main room. Keep examining items to unfold the narrative.
When youre finished exploring the rooms and are satisfied with your findings, go toward the windows and help Sam move the bookshelf. Shake the photo and wait for it to develop. Climb onto the bookshelf, and jump to the ledge above the window. Move left along the ledge and go around the corner. Climb onto the ship wheel, and jump up once more to reach the vent above.
Crawl into the air vent, and proceed down the second opening on the left. Kick open the grate at the end of the vent passage, then drop down into the room. Pick up the key on the desk beside the bed. Be sure to explore the room for other items before leaving, including the Note on the desk near the window.
Unlock the door to the room youre in, then unlock the door to the next room. Open the box beneath the desk in the center of the room and examine the items. After the cinematic, exit the room and go out the window.
Climb along the gutter, then leap across to the next rooftop section. Climb down the chimney and make your way to the ground level. Follow Sam through the yard, and try not to get caught. Climb onto the dumpster and vault over the wall to exit the area.
After another cinematic, the chapter will conclude. After discovering the origins of The Brothers Drake, continue directly on to Chapter 17 - For Better or Worse, or return to our Uncharted 4 Walkthrough.
on 2022-05-12
Uncharted 4
on 2021-09-18
on 2019-06-18
on 2019-04-16
I want this game
Uncharted 4: Chapter 22 - A Thief’s End Gameplay
This walkthrough will show players how to complete Chapter 22 in Uncharted 4, titled A Thiefs End. This is the final story chapter of the game, where you can discover what happens to Nate and the crew. Theres no more puzzling at this point, but we will help you through one final conflict as the story concludes.
Uncharted 4: Chapter 21 - Brothers Keeper GamePlay
This walkthrough will show players how to complete Chapter 21 in Uncharted 4, titled Brothers Keeper. This chapter is relatively short, but involves a lot of grappling and climbing. Well help you traverse the caves to reach Averys ship.
Uncharted 4: Chapter 20 - No Escape GamePlay
This walkthrough will show players how to complete Chapter 20 in Uncharted 4, titled No Escape. We will help you defeat several armed enemies and regroup with the others. Be prepared for some intense gunfights, as well as a bit of swimming.